HST.583/9.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis
[Lecture: Mon & Wed 3pm, Lab: Mon 12.30pm-2pm, Recitation: Wed 2pm]

Provides background necessary for designing, conducting, and interpreting fMRI studies in the human brain. Covers in depth the physics of image encoding, mechanisms of anatomical and functional contrasts, the physiological basis of fMRI signals, cerebral hemodynamics, and neurovascular coupling. Also covers design methods for stimulus-, task-driven and resting-state experiments, as well as workflows for model-based and data-driven analysis methods for data. Instruction in brain structure analysis and surface- and region-based analyses. Laboratory sessions include data acquisition sessions at the 3 Tesla MRI scanner at MIT and the Connectom and 7 Tesla scanners at the MGH/HST Martinos Center, as well as hands-on data analysis workshops. Introductory or college-level neurobiology, physics, and signal processing are helpful.

Course directors: Jon Polimeni, Anastasia Yendiki, Jingyuan Chen

Next offering will be Fall 2024.


HST.584/22.561 Magnetic Resonance Analytic, Biochemical, and Imaging Techniques

Introduction to basic NMR theory. Examples of biochemical data obtained using NMR summarized along with other related experiments. Detailed study of NMR imaging techniques includes discussions of basic cross-sectional image reconstruction, image contrast, flow and real-time imaging, and hardware design considerations. Exposure to laboratory NMR spectroscopic and imaging equipment included.

Course directors: L. Wald, B. Bilgic