Understanding Eye-contact Avoidance in People With Autism

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often have difficulty looking others in the eyes. This is typically interpreted as a sign of social and personal indifference, but self-reports from people with autism suggests otherwise. Many say that looking others in the eye is uncomfortable or s...

With New PET Probe, Researchers Image Fibrosis of the Lungs

The MGH Martinos Center's Pauline Désogère and colleagues have described a new positron emission tomography (PET) probe that can help to advance noninvasive diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis. Reported in a Science Translational Medicine paper published online today, the probe enables detection and ...

MEG Method May Hold the Secret to Baldness

A variety of factors can stop hair from forming and growing properly, leading to hair diseases and baldness. A new method developed recently by investigators at the MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging examines the activity of hair follicles and could be useful for testing the effects of di...

Acupuncture Yields Improved Outcomes in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Though the practice of acupuncture predates current understanding of physiology by several millennia, it often provides measureable improvements in health outcomes, particularly in the area of chronic pain. Now, in a study reported in the journal Brain, a team of investigators based at the Athino...