For most people, the thought of running a marathon would be daunting enough. Not for Anna Blazejewska.
Features | Martinos Center
Earlier Detection of Alzheimer’s Could Help Reduce Its Most Devastating Effects
Heidi Jacobs, PhD, is a leader in Alzheimer’s disease research whose personal experience with the disease strengthens her passion...
REACH for BRAIN: Improving Recruitment, Engagement, and Access for Community Health Equity for Human Neuroimaging Research
The center’s Susie Huang and colleagues are working to increase diversity in the recruitment and enrollment of human participants...
Bruce Rosen on the Advanced Imaging Technologies Coming to the Martinos Center
Martinos Center director Bruce Rosen, MD, PhD, describes several cutting-edge technologies that will advance research both in the...
The Center’s Eric Gale to Address Anemia of Chronic Disease in Project Funded by HMS Award
Gale is a recipient of the 2023 HMS Blavatnik Therapeutics Challenge Award.
Q&A: Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli on Managing Anxiety and Depression with Mindfulness-Based fMRI Neurofeedback
The work she describes was done in collaboration with center researcher Anastasia Yendiki and the Martinos-based Boston Adolescent...
Q&A with Eve Valera on Intimate Partner Violence and Brain Injury
Valera uses imaging and other tools to study traumatic brain injury and other impacts of intimate partner violence.
Q&A with Caterina Mainero, Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Imaging Laboratory
Dr. Mainero discusses the lab’s research into the mechanisms of the disease and new approaches to diagnosis and monitoring.
It’s All about Teamwork: The Center’s Shahin Nasr on his breakthrough findings in the visual system
Nasr, director of the Mesovision Laboratory at the center, talks about the discovery and what made it possible.
The Clinical Potential of Molecular Imaging of Pulmonary Fibrosis
Peter Caravan PhD and Sydney Montesi MD discuss the potential of molecular imaging of pulmonary fibrosis for managing patients with...
AMA @ Martinos: Jon Polimeni
In advance of his keynote talk at the upcoming OHBM 2022, Jon submitted to an “Ask Me Anything,” with topics ranging...
AMA @ Martinos: Anastasia Yendiki
In advance of her keynote talk at the upcoming OHBM 2022, Anastasia submitted to an “Ask Me Anything,” with topics ranging...
Will Social Distancing Have a Lasting Impact on ‘Personal Space’?
Daphne Holt and Roger Tootell are using virtual reality to study how ‘personal space’ requirements have changed as a...
New Portable Scanner to Bring MRI to the Patient
The new device was reported last week in in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineering.
Visualizing the Mind: How We See the Brain Through Functional MRI
Last year, Harvard College senior Kelsey Ichikawa interviewed the Center’s Bruce Rosen and Bruce Fischl for an article she was...
Martinos Researchers, NTP Students Producing PPE for Front Line Workers
The newly created MasksOn project is adapting full-face snorkel masks to fit breathing filters already in use in hospitals.
The Secret Lives of Martinos Folk: Carol Barnstead and the Center’s cast of colorful characters
What does it mean to be a “character” at the Martinos?
The Secret Lives of Martinos Folk: It’s Gonna Be a Lot Less Spooky Around Here
The Center is losing its biggest Halloween booster. The holiday will never be the same.
Artificial Intelligence Improves Treatment Monitoring in Patients with Glioma
Researchers have introduced a deep learning algorithm that automatically measures tumor volume based on MR images.
The Past, Present and Future of Molecular Imaging @ Martinos
The Center’s molecular imaging program has seen tremendous growth over the past decade. It’s only getting started.