The Martinos Center’s Got Talent!

On Wednesday, January 11, the MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging will stage its first-ever talent show, aptly titled: "The Martinos Center's Got Talent!" The event will showcase the many, varied talents of folks from across the center, from accordion playing to ballroom dancing, from stan...

Ken Kwong and the Introduction of Noninvasive fMRI

In the early months of 1992 the neuroscience community was flush with excitement. Jack Belliveau, a graduate student with the MGH-NMR Center (now the MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging), had recently published in Science his pioneering work with functional MRI, and the possibilities of th...

Acupuncture Yields Improved Outcomes in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Though the practice of acupuncture predates current understanding of physiology by several millennia, it often provides measureable improvements in health outcomes, particularly in the area of chronic pain. Now, in a study reported in the journal Brain, a team of investigators based at the Athino...

AMA @ Martinos: Jon Polimeni

On Thursday, June 23, the Martinos Center's Jon Polimeni will deliver a keynote lecture at the 2022 meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) in Glasgow, Scotland. In advance of the lecture, Jon is an all-around fascinating guy, so we were thrilled when he agreed to submit to an "...

Ciprian Catana

Dr. Catana is director of Integrated MR-PET Imaging at the MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging and a Professor in Radiology at Harvard Medical School. He has extensive experience in combining PET and MRI and is currently focusing on developing quantitative MR-PET for human use. Working clo...

Wellness Resources

To offer support to its staff and researchers, Partners, MGH, and several other groups have put together resources that address the challenges we may be facing in our day-to-day lives as we handle this unique situation. Here, we compile those resources & information to make it easier for you ...

Lisa Feldman Barrett

Lisa Feldman Barrett, PhD, is University Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Director of the Interdisciplinary Affective Science Laboratory (IASLab) at Northeastern University. She also holds research appointments in the Psychiatric Neuroimaging Program in the Department of Psychiatry and a...

5 Things You Didn’t Know About David Cohen and MEG

Last week the MGH Martinos Center dedicated its advanced magnetoencephalography (MEG) facility as the David Cohen MEG Laboratory. Cohen—the inventor of MEG, a leader in the field of biomagnetism for more than 50 years, and a Martinos Center faculty member who was instrumental in building and deve...

Planned Giving

Can planned gifts make a difference to the Center and gift givers alike? The answer is an emphatic yes! Since its founding, when the Center was just created, friends of the Center have chosen planned giving as a means of supporting the Center and benefiting their families. Such gifts create an ab...

Andre van der Kouwe

Dr. van der Kouwe does research in the field of MRI pulse sequence design and image analysis. He supports neuroscience research at the MGH and collaborating institutions by improving acquisition methods, providing techniques such as high-reliability imaging for quantitative brain morphometry with...

Hsiao-Ying (Monica) Wey

Dr. Hsiao-Ying (Monica) Wey is currently an Assistant Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. She received her PhD in Medical Physics from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio in 2011 and completed her postdoctoral training at t...

Uncovering ‘Covert Consciousness’ in Brain Injury Patients

In a paper published in the journal Brain last month Brian Edlow and colleagues reported a study in which they used the imaging techniques functional MRI and EEG to detect ‘covert consciousness’ in the intensive care unit. We checked in with Edlow, associate director of the Center for Neurotechno...

Matthew Rosen

Dr. Matt Rosen is a physicist, tool-builder and inventor whose research bridges the spectrum from fundamental physics to applied bioimaging work in the field of MRI. He established the Low-Field MRI and Hyperpolarized Media Laboratory at the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging to ...

Martinos Cookbook

During the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic, members of the Martinos Center community came together to share the gift of food. The Martinos Cookbook collects more than 70 of the recipes they contributed, representing cuisines from around the world and covering every meal from throughout the day. ...