The Martinos Center’s Got Talent!

On Wednesday, January 11, the MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging will stage its first-ever talent show, aptly titled: "The Martinos Center's Got Talent!" The event will showcase the many, varied talents of folks from across the center, from accordion playing to ballroom dancing, from stan...

Wellness Resources

To offer support to its staff and researchers, Partners, MGH, and several other groups have put together resources that address the challenges we may be facing in our day-to-day lives as we handle this unique situation. Here, we compile those resources & information to make it easier for you ...

Martinos Executive Director Named a 2017 Eisenhower Fellow

Eisenhower Fellowships has announced Bill Shaw, the Executive Director of the MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, as one of 20 U.S. leaders who will participate in a global exchange of knowledge and ideas. Now in its 63rd year, the organization brings together participants from governm...

Suk-tak (Phoebe) Chan

Dr. Chan joined the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at MGH in 2010 as an instructor.  Her current research focuses on imaging of cerebrovascular responses using ultrasound and MRI. She uses natural breathing/gaseous challenge to measure cerebrovascular responses in healthy sub...

Andre van der Kouwe

Dr. van der Kouwe does research in the field of MRI pulse sequence design and image analysis. He supports neuroscience research at the MGH and collaborating institutions by improving acquisition methods, providing techniques such as high-reliability imaging for quantitative brain morphometry with...

New Software Improves Ability to Determine the Cause of Stroke

Determining the cause of an ischemic stroke is critical to preventing a second one and is a primary focus in the evaluation of stroke patients. But for all the importance of identifying the cause, physicians have long lacked a robust and objective means to do so. Now a team of investigators at...

Noam Peled

I have a broad background in neuroimaging, with specific training and expertise in analyzing and visualization of multi-modality neuroimaging datasets. I received my Ph.D. degree in machine learning and games theory from Bar-Ilan University in 2014, and in 2015 I started my position as a research...

Jodi Gilman

Dr. Gilman is an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School (HMS) Department of Psychiatry and the Director of Neuroimaging at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Center for Addiction Medicine. Her research uses multi-modal imaging, behavioral and cognitive testing to understand the biolo...

New Bedside MRI Scanner Inspired by Martinos Center Research

Fundamental research by Professor Matthew Rosen, Director of the Low-Field Imaging Laboratory in the MGH Martinos Center, contributed to the early development of a new portable MRI scanner by Hyperfine Research Inc. The potentially game-changing technology will be introduced this week at the Amer...

AMA @ Martinos: Jon Polimeni

On Thursday, June 23, the Martinos Center's Jon Polimeni will deliver a keynote lecture at the 2022 meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) in Glasgow, Scotland. In advance of the lecture, Jon is an all-around fascinating guy, so we were thrilled when he agreed to submit to an "...