David Izquierdo

Dr. David Izquierdo is an Instructor in the Department of Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School with interest in improving non-invasive molecular imaging quantification with combined PET/MRI scanners. In particular most of Dr. Izquierdo's research is applied to brai...

Stefan Carp

Dr. Carp's research group focuses on the development and clinical translation of light-based non-invasive sensing and imaging methods for disease detection and management. Major thrusts include the use of near-infrared spectroscopy and tomography as well as diffuse correlation spectroscopy to adv...

Anand Kumar

Dr. Kumar's research is focused on development and translation of novel biomedical optical techniques for preclinical and clinical applications. He has more than 15 years of experience in theory, modeling and experimental aspects of biological optical imaging. Over the past decade, his group has ...

Hui Wang

Dr. Hui Wang's research interests include developing innovative optical techniques and combining with MRI to study the structural-functional relationship of the brain. Particularly, a key question to answer is how the brain is connected to form the substrates of complex functions and what goes wr...

Uncovering ‘Covert Consciousness’ in Brain Injury Patients

In a paper published in the journal Brain last month Brian Edlow and colleagues reported a study in which they used the imaging techniques functional MRI and EEG to detect ‘covert consciousness’ in the intensive care unit. We checked in with Edlow, associate director of the Center for Neurotechno...

Social Media

Videos As part of our mission, we are working to disseminate our research to as wide an audience as possible. To this end, we present our social media channels here. The sidebar to the right includes links to the channels as well a Twitter feed and a Newsletter subscription form. Also, we hav...

TRANSLATE (Translational Research in Radiology)

The TRANSLATE seminar series offers conversations about the latest advances in translational research in radiology, and about the process of translational research itself. Each seminar brings together a physician with particular clinical needs and a researcher developing imaging technologies that...

AMA @ Martinos: Anastasia Yendiki

The 2022 meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), to be held June 19-22 in Glasgow, Scotland, will feature keynote lectures by no fewer than two Martinos Center researchers: Anastasia Yendiki and Jon Polimeni. In anticipation of the meeting, we approached Anastasia about putting...

Christopher Nguyen

The Nguyen lab focuses on the development and clinical application of novel imaging techniques to characterize the cardiovascular system including MRI, optical, and PET. Our primary research interests fall into four general areas: (1) bio- inspired design for heart assisted devices (Science Robot...

Lilianne Mujica-Parodi

Lilianne R. Mujica-Parodi is Director of the Laboratory for Computational Neurodiagnostics (LCNeuro). LCNeuro's research focuses on the application of control systems engineering and dynamical systems to imaging-derived time series, at all scales: from human fMRI, M/EEG, fNIRS to rodent LFP and c...

Creativity and Diversity in the Martinos Center

Martinos Center executive director David Vaughn recently sat down to talk about his work in the Center, and about what makes the Martinos so special. Hear what he had to say about creativity and diversity in the Center in the video below. In our humble opinion, he couldn't be more right! ...

Why & How

The Why & How seminar series is designed to introduce research assistants, graduate students, and postdoctoral and clinical fellows - really, anyone who is interested - to the many tools used in the Center. These include software tools and most of the major imaging modalities wielded by Marti...