Jerome Ackerman

Jerome Ackerman, PhD, has conducted research in magnetic resonance for over 45 years, and has led the solid-state MR program at MGH for over 30 years. As of May, 2019, his work (over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, reviews, chapters and patents; over 200 abstracts) has been cited 5048 times (...

Matthew Sacchet

Dr. Matthew D. Sacchet, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Meditation Research Program at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital (Mass General). Dr. Sacchet and his team study advanced meditation: states and stages of contemplative practice that unfold wit...

Movin’ on Up: Celebrating faculty and staff promotions

As we come to the close of the year, we would like to take a moment to look back and congratulate those faculty who were promoted in 2019! Recognizing her role as a pioneer and a leader in her field, we send a huge congratulations to the latest of our faculty members to be named Full Professor...

Anand Kumar

Dr. Kumar's research is focused on development and translation of novel biomedical optical techniques for preclinical and clinical applications. He has more than 15 years of experience in theory, modeling and experimental aspects of biological optical imaging. Over the past decade, his group has ...

Molecular Imaging

The in vivo optical imaging facility includes a state-of-the-art IVIS SPECTRUM (Perkin Elmer) whole-mouse imaging system with 3D, fluorescence, bioluminescence, and Cerenkov luminescence capabilities for high throughput imaging, in vitro (microplates) and in vivo in live animals (5 mice, 23cm FoV...

Early Screening of ASD With a New Eye-tracking Paradigm

Studies have shown that early diagnosis and intervention significantly impact the prognosis of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD): the earlier the detection and diagnosis, the better the prognosis and functional status later in life. Currently, the average age of diagnosis is approxi...

With New PET Probe, Researchers Image Fibrosis of the Lungs

The MGH Martinos Center's Pauline Désogère and colleagues have described a new positron emission tomography (PET) probe that can help to advance noninvasive diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis. Reported in a Science Translational Medicine paper published online today, the probe enables detection and ...

TRANSLATE (Translational Research in Radiology)

The TRANSLATE seminar series offers conversations about the latest advances in translational research in radiology, and about the process of translational research itself. Each seminar brings together a physician with particular clinical needs and a researcher developing imaging technologies that...

Creativity and Diversity in the Martinos Center

Martinos Center executive director David Vaughn recently sat down to talk about his work in the Center, and about what makes the Martinos so special. Hear what he had to say about creativity and diversity in the Center in the video below. In our humble opinion, he couldn't be more right! ...